Thick brows knotted over a suffused face, he seemed in his way as taken aback by this apparition as I was.
After a paralyzed moment, Dr. Yei buried her suffused face in her hands and sniggered helplessly.
The suffused face of Jupiter peered swollenly through the picture-port, just as it did on the foreman's desk.
And the blue eyes, fixed like a doll's eyes in the suffused face, had looked just the same.
The candles did not flicker, and the light on the dead man's suffused face, bitten tongue and exposed throat was sharp enough to show detail.
The few pedestrians coming down it took one look at his tight-gripped sword and suffused face, and quickly got out of his way.
I saw their suffused faces, their dead faces.
Their suffused faces, the cords cutting into their necks.
Conrad's fists had clenched; ah, to strike that suffused face!