Mr. Fanjul and his older brother, Alfonso, who have become two of the United States' leading sugar magnates, then financed a global hunt for the painting.
Henry O. Havemeyer, the sugar magnate, and his wife, Louisine, gave their screens to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
In 2006 a Wetherspoons pub in his home town of Chorley was named after the sugar magnate.
It was created on 27 June 1898 for the sugar magnate and philanthropist Henry Tate.
Lazarus Izrayilovych Brodsky (1848 - 1904) - Ukrainian businessman of Jewish origin, sugar magnate, philanthropist and patron.
THE group went up to Marbler's suite, to find the sugar magnate in conference with the other three Cubans.
The sugar magnate Emilio Maraini purchased the complex in 1906.
William F. Havemeyer, a sugar magnate, was elected in 1873, and William R. Grace, a multinational trader, won in 1885.
Here Frederick C. Havemeyer, the sugar magnate, also had a country place.
Sir Henry Tate (sugar magnate and founder of the Tate Gallery, London)