"There's no way someone from our culture would not know what's in these," Fariha Anwar said of the cheeselike blocks of sugary dessert.
As for sugary desserts, avoid syrupy puddings, mousses, gateaux and most pastries.
The book tells the story of a rabbit who is bored with the usual rabbit diet of carrots and greens, and starts to eat sweets and sugary desserts instead.
It is much more like a sugary dessert or like a cokey, speedy drug and endorphins are released.
It is characterized by high intakes of red meat, sugary desserts, high-fat foods, and refined grains.
Politician A: "We should not serve schoolchildren sugary desserts with lunch and further worsen the obesity epidemic by doing so."
An occasional sugary dessert won't necessarily blow your diet.
If you think your teeth hurt after noshing a sugary Applebee's dessert, try watching these spots, stuffed with clichéd characters like a lonely elderly woman and a rookie firefighter.
Having something akin to a sweet tooth, she has a fondness for ice creams, cakes, and other sugary desserts.
Or replace a sugary dessert with a bowl of fruit.