No significant difference in these findings was observed between sugary sodas and diet drinks.
May 24, 2010 - Cutting back on sugary sodas and other sweet beverages may help lower blood pressure, according to new research in Circulation.
Nor can they grab a candy bar or down a sugary soda when the snack bug bites.
Even white bread provides a big shot of glucose - just like a sugary soda.
He advocated restricting access to vending machines for high school students and replacing the sugary sodas in them with juice and water.
Dr. Farley attributed the progress partly to the city's aggressive advertising campaign against sugary sodas, which he said may have altered what parents were providing to their children.
Sipping sugary soda throughout the day is another bad habit, research suggests.
Why the link with sugary sodas?
Described as a walking ball of energy spiked by the large numbers of candy bars, cookies, and sugary sodas he consumes everyday.
Cutting junk food, sugary sodas, and sweet, undiluted fruit drinks out of your diet is an easy way to lose weight over time.