Most often, a scholarly publication is refereed ("screened") by other knowledgeable scholars, who critically examine the text to find possible faults, and possibly suggest alterations.
Feel free to suggest improvements and alterations, of course.
This architect suggested significant alterations in the space, including putting the piano on a platform, moving the door to the apartment and expanding and renovating the kitchen.
However, it suggests certain alterations to the present scope of the offence.
He would look at a scene model, point out defects and suggest alterations in a sympathetic manner.
Reid suggested few alterations with Westbrook, saying: "We will do what we have done with Brian all year.
He began his employment by suggesting major alterations to the Capitol's design and was ultimately rebuffed.
Interestingly, a Y chromosome is not present in most C4, C5 and C4-2 cells, suggesting major chromosomal alterations.
U2 suggested alterations and added lyrics and melodies, before performing to the edited arrangements.
It was suggested alterations to university funding, as well as improvements in cloud technology, could change that.