The new logo, with more contemporary lettering, will also be adorned by a blue ring apparently meant to suggest motion and progress.
Traditional animation had suggested motion by exaggerating it.
Instead of chords suggesting motion toward a goal, he played crabbed, brusque clusters.
Then, with a gesture that suggested forward motion, he added, Engage.
His work is simple but suggests motion with vivid colors and directional patterns.
Likewise, the hand sign for re suggests motion to do, and that of la to so.
"We want it to suggest power and motion," said Bob Slaone, the league's vice president for marketing.
The fish always had sort of exclamation marks around them, to suggest wiggling motion.
The Multimark was made up of a triangle, suggesting motion or direction.
The effect was graceful, suggesting effortless motion, while now the girls seemed not to care.