"He would suggest cutting scenes if it moved things along," the director recalled.
A catalog of names again suggests the distances and changing scenes.
The restrictions suggested past scenes of chaos and merriment I was already wishing I'd been privy to.
Diane E. Jones served as test reader and guinea pig, giving us her honest reactions and suggested additional scenes that helped make this a stronger book.
Several suggest scenes from "Alice in Wonderland" and leave the viewer with the sensation that nothing is what it seems.
In fact, Ms. Kirshner said, to make the relationships more realistic she suggested more nude scenes.
Screenwriter Bernard Zimmer suggested scenes that did get filmed, but were later cut during post-production by Lang.
He based his paintings on what he called "rock books," rocks that suggest various figures and scenes through their natural patterns of stratification and color.
Manapsara emphasizes the travelogue aspect of the tale by suggesting passing scenes and fleeting characters.
This in turn suggests scenes.