Some scholars have studied the trends that accompany social unrest, and have suggested ties between youth and revolt.
Linguistic evidence suggests ties between the Guanche language and the Berber languages of northern Africa, particularly when comparing numeral systems.
Official Colombian documents brought to light by human rights organizations last year suggest ties between the paramilitary squads and the Government's military intelligence networks.
He wondered if they knew they were related, but there was nothing in either bio to suggest ties to or knowledge of extended family.
The central stone enclosure complex is built in this tradition, and the find of a Zimbabwe-style iron gong at the site also suggests cultural ties.
Whether to describe Eldin as a friend, a substitute parent or anything else that suggests emotional ties is beside the point.
Even today, in a dress-down age, it still suggests suits and ties, sometimes even tuxedos and gowns.
He has suggested broader financial ties with the West, even if that means Iran must mute its anti-Western foreign policy.
Elsewhere the trio provides connective tissue between songs, suggesting emotional ties that would not be clear from the texts themselves.
The majority of them were highly educated and moving from a previous residence in the city, suggesting ties to an urban-based educational institution.