Rabelais's main work of this nature is the Gargantua and Pantagruel series, which contain a great deal of allegorical, suggestive messages.
Another former page, Tyson Vivyan, said that he had received "sexually suggestive" messages from Foley in 1997, a month after he left the page program.
The printout also included a reply sent to Shaw soon after her suggestive message.
Tao also offers smaller fortune cookies with esoteric and suggestive messages: "Let your body be your playground."
Whether it's being accosted with horrible sexually suggestive messages or the garbage in the video game world, corporate America is raping and pillaging American teenagers.
Passers-by who walked directly in the path of the sound would hear spooky, disembodied voices whispering suggestive messages such as "What's that?"
The first e-mail messages to one male page, sexually suggestive but not explicit, were reported by ABC News on Thursday.
Might pelvis-pointing convey another message, perhaps unintentional but nevertheless more suggestive than the "coercive" elbow-touching?
Soon the two women began receiving personal messages, some sexually suggestive, over the system.
Other words and phrases which have entered the English language recently are 'cloud computing', 'carbon neutral' and 'sexting' (to send suggestive messages by text).