Especially during the first few weeks of treatment with an antidepressant, there is a possible increase in suicidal feelings or behavior.
What was going on in your life when you first noticed the depressed or suicidal feelings?
I don't mean "the bottom" in the sense of any suicidal feeling.
Many people have suicidal feelings, so you're not alone in feeling this way.
Doctors must tell them: "Look, you may have suicidal feelings on this drug.
In 2011, nearly 80% of the people calling Samaritans did not express suicidal feelings.
Most of them have suicidal feeling and some carry it out.
There was a vein of a suicidal feeling for all his life.
It was the rigid creed that resisted the rush of suicidal feeling.
Instead, officials talked about the "contagiousness" of suicidal feelings among the girls.