In his view, the goal of terrorists employing suicide tactics is to redefine acts of suicide as acts of martyrdom.
This kind of insane suicide tactic was the kind of thing the resistance did all the time.
But Muslims have no monopoly on suicide tactics; think of all the Japanese kamikaze pilots in World War II.
Although only six of the attacks were directed against civilians, these attacks have drawn the lion's share of the publicity generated by Chechen suicide tactics.
This is usually a tactic employed by the lighter and more reckless teams, or as a suicide tactic when a driver is down to its last life.
Unlimited respawning allows the mech to engage in suicide tactics, as it is essentially a disposable asset.
This captures suicide bombing, and the range of suicide tactics below.
Iraqi officials, hailing the suicide tactic, said that 4,000 "martyrs" from across the Arab world were in Baghdad, ready to die to defend Iraq.
On the 12th, she received her first taste of Japanese suicide tactics when three kamikazes closed on her transport area.
Their internal debates about suicide tactics are a sign of weakness - and of the fraying of the consensus Al Qaeda so carefully built over the last decade.