The suit material, cool and dry, collapsed in to touch my skin at every point.
In addition, an egg wrapped in the suit material is said to survive a 10 storey drop.
On dress occasions, men will wear tupenu tailored like Western wrap skirts and made from suit material.
There is also the problem of the stress on the suit materials caused by supersonic or hypersonic shock waves.
The suit material is typically very rigid and the wearer is unable to look to the sides easily.
The suit material was still protecting the interior, including the equipment.
The suit material tore under the strain and suddenly Fender's leg was free.
The suit material began to tear and he knew it would soon be over, just seconds of searing pain and then blessed oblivion.
These fibers take up much of the volume and make the suit material as strong as steel.
Even the suit material felt petrified but, as I said, your life signs registered normal.