Of course, I take suitable precautions, but I've never been in any real danger.
The district officer wanted to know if suitable precautions had been taken to avoid the elephants.
"And this time, I shall take suitable precautions to make certain I'm not interrupted."
It was believed, however, that the thefts would cease, now that the authors were known and suitable precautions taken.
"And you took suitable precautions to disguise your appearance?"
With suitable precautions he introduced himself into the grounds of Sittaford House.
The fuel consumption was also extraordinarily high, and the system comported a danger of explosion which called for suitable precautions.
In acquiescing, the government was well aware that the final terms would provoke peasant hostility, and took suitable precautions.
Still, with suitable precautions, it's worth a try.
Having arranged suitable precautions, for a torchcraft mishandled could work more havoc than most ancient wars, the authorities let him.