She stays with the rest of the Clans when the journeying cats went around the lake, finding some suitable territory.
Coot mate pairings are monogamous throughout their life, given they have a suitable territory.
And a suitable territory to roam.
The decision to land the Jews in Germany had been made because it was the only suitable territory under British control that could handle so many people at short notice.
This is thought to be due to a very high annual survival and occupancy of suitable territory.
Mr. Nye's trackings have also shown that females, in the search for suitable nesting territory, have wandered an average of 100 miles from their original release sites.
Left to themselves, wolf populations tend to expand until they inhabit all suitable territory available.
Once the male comes into spawning condition he will select a suitable territory and start to build a bubble nest.
Over it he could hear men shouting, the horses neighing in terror as they were led over the mushy ground toward territory suitable for a gallop.
In search of suitable territory for then-chic landscapes, the Art Students League of New York City soon set up summer shop.