They were small half-moons, and everything in the refrigerator was thawing out quick in this sullen heat.
The big iron brazier was glowing red, filling the room with a sullen suffocating heat.
The sides of the hole glowed red with a sullen heat, and Hazel knew she couldn't afford to touch them.
The air conditioner kept blasting away, but it was no match for the sullen heat of the near-equatorial spring.
It had the same clinging, sullen heat.
She breathed the sullen heat into her lungs and felt the scorch of the sun's brightness.
I drifted past the sullen heat of Charon?
Its surface was like black glass, and it lay still and unchanging in the harsh sun and sullen heat of home.
His mouth twitched, and a sullen heat grew in his eyes.
They could feel the sullen heat in the air, the heaviness of the night sky.