There was a sullen green light in the screen, lanky gray shapes moving through it; then a face was suddenly looking out at them.
The sullen light of the turf fire, burning but never blazing, disturbed him every moment.
The lantern bathed the grisly scene in a sullen reddish light.
Just a vague sullen light in the sky where the sun ought to have been.
Before them shone the sullen lights of a truly poor district.
His other eye, however, gleamed with hard and sullen light.
On her hand shone the sullen light of a bloodstone ring.
The metal gleamed with the sullen, reddish light of the serpent's magic.
Before long, her legs began to tremble, and her balance wavered in the sullen light.
There was nothing but the smooth stone vault, colored by the sullen light from the moat.