The other is battling it with heavy snow pushed north by the warm and sultry breezes of Miami Beach, Florida.
Afternoon sunlight streamed in through the bay windows, and a sultry breeze carried with it the scent of roses from the garden.
You don't have to be in Singapore to order a Singapore sling, but a sultry breeze is absolutely mandatory.
It's a great place to relax in the sultry breeze, enjoying the Mediterranean vibe.
His warm, sweet breath drifted across her lips like a sultry breeze which heralds thunder.
Melody drifted towards him on the sultry breeze, with a hint of exotic perfumes and a breath of flower-scent.
The leaves of the jacaranda tree rustled in the sultry breeze.
I saw occasional wind-devils rise and whirl and die as a sultry breeze hurried by on no good errand.
A haze hung in the air and a sultry breeze blew.
In better days, six centuries ago, this city of sultry breezes and minarets was the capital of the Ottoman Empire.