In sultry tropical climates, however, spicy ceviche performs a public service.
Large windows in front, however, allow for more comfortable viewing from the streetside beer garden, which, considering Miami's sultry climate, is a welcome arrangement.
Diat invented a novel recipe every summer for the sultry climate.
There was the possibility that the Mungo, a mountain dweller, could not have tolerated the sultry and damp climate of the lowlands.
These found themselves in a climate far more sultry than Siberia; but like Siberia, Labrador contained uplands of luxuriant vegetation.
Years of breeding produced the ideal dog suited for the plains of India and capable of withstanding India's sultry climate.
AS the cuisines of sultry climates demonstrate, sharp seasonings played against a touch of acidity can be hot weather appetite whetters.
He designed the house for the sultry climate with 14 1/2-foot ceilings and breezy halls.
In this sultry climate and under the influence of the let-it-be natives, your average law-abiding citizen can also run amok.
"You know, Wiggs," she said, her voice softened to near inaudibility by the sultry climate, "it seems like with you everything leads back to the subject of death."