Australia, New Zealand Popular The region where especially large sums of money are now flowing is Australia and New Zealand, because of high interest rates there compared with those in the United States.
Oil industry experts have estimated that such sums would flow in over several years.
The sum of primary water supplies and return (recycled) flows in a river basin is the total water available for use.
Lax government monitoring of charitable foundations and the money they sent overseas allowed large sums to flow into terrorist training and operations.
But it also fostered a proliferation of poorly run financial institutions, a rash of ill-conceived real estate and industrial ventures and a culture of corruption in which huge sums of money flowed like underground rivers among politicians and their friends.
Of course, high-level corruption extends well beyond Africa, but the problem has been especially acute here, particularly during the cold war, when huge sums of foreign assistance were flowing in with no questions asked.
Police records show that large sums of money flowed into his bank accounts.
But he did not speak with the F.B.I. Instead, he sent a memo to the Customs Service noting that large sums of money with suspect origins were flowing through Benex into accounts at the Bank of New York.
Yield to maturity is simply the discount rate at which the sum of all future cash flows from the bond (coupons and principal) is equal to the price of the bond.
Soon large sums of money flowed.