The case was settled with Kenny buying the land for an undisclosed sum and both sides paying their own costs.
The sum paid was £19,517 11s 10 1/4d (£19,517.59p).
Two procured the drugs from local sources whose security was guaranteed by the usual means - large sums of cash paid to the right people.
A sum paid into court "to abide order"
And this week, the same sum would pay only £6,160.
It would be, by far, the largest sum ever paid for a National Football League franchise.
The sum will pay for private detectives to continue their search for about another two years.
"As if that sum would pay a man for leaving his home and incurring the terrible risks of war!"
The sum paid was double the price expected.
A sum of money paid or awarded in a civil case as compensation for a loss or injury.