His father was a former Home Guard militiaman who escaped the summary killings in Kočevski Rog.
He said new directives have gone out to forbid these summary killings and reduce the level of violence used by the youth gangs.
According to the report, Islamic militants had set up their own courts and carried out "public summary killings, crucifixion, amputation and flogging".
The practice of summary killing of a person suspected of an illicit liaison is known as karo kari in Sindh and Balochistan.
The figure also includes the victims of summary killings by the Communist regime immediately after the war (around 13,500 people).
European vigilante groups are reported to have subsequently carried out summary killings of Muslims.
The rights groups have accused the Israeli authorities of summary killings that violate international law.
As public opinion began to turn, officials stopped issuing regular reports of the death toll, and the government appointed a commission to investigate complaints of summary killings.
The most recent violence has included summary killings of settlers from the Punjab, whom Baluch nationalists blame for stealing jobs and land.