This is represented in the town by the summer celebration of the festival of ringing the Flamingo.
This summer celebration was very interesting to me.
Up jumps the boogie at this summer celebration of things borrowed and blue.
The traditional festival of Saint Paraskevi is the most significant summer celebration.
A young boy from a village meets a girl travelling with a group of comedians visiting Bohemian villages and towns during traditional summer celebrations.
Annual dues for individuals and couples are $1,000, with two complimentary tickets for a summer celebration at the museum.
Therefore the book is likely to be launched late next autumn, after the summer celebrations around the Queen's Jubilee but in time for the Christmas market.
One summer celebration is the annual tribute to the man who ruled as King Kamehameha V in the 1860's.
It used to play a married-single match every year as part of the local summer celebrations.