Every winter he returned from his summer estate in Lakewood and brought Parker with him.
The railroad came to Bayport in 1869 and by 1890, many of the farms gave way to summer estates.
Hotels, parks, and summer estates were built on the mountains from the mid-1880s to the early 20th century.
According to his will, it was to be located at his summer estate, Clifton.
He constructed a summer estate on the land, completed in 1835.
"By a strange stroke of luck, he left two hours ago for his summer estate near Corinth."
After the railroad came through in 1848, many wealthy businessmen were drawn to the area and built summer estates there.
He died in 1981; his summer estate is now a hotel.
The eastern two-thirds of the island are scattered with large summer estates accessible by a single private road.
Its original owners, the Hopkins family, had used it as a summer estate from 1880 to 1924, when the family move in year round.