A few years later, Jenkins recalls how Widmerpool recoiled when touched gently on the arm by Berthe, a French girl encountered during the pair's summer sojourn at La Grenadière shortly after leaving school.
You are curious as to whether there is some connection between this metamorphosis and my summer sojourn.
For 29 years, the Helen L. Diller Vacation Home for Blind Children, two blocks west of the beach in Avalon, has given visually impaired youngsters a weeklong, all-expenses-paid summer sojourn at the Jersey Shore.
The clear waters of the Great Masurian Lakes prove irresistible to sailors and kayakers, and the long, sandy beaches of the Baltic coast provide ample opportunity for summer seaside sojourns.
"Let's go to the videotape," my wife said the other night, eager to see the replays of our summer sojourn.
Town officials have estimated that MTV's summer sojourn in the house on Carteret Avenue will bring in between $300,000 to $500,000 in rent, meals and entertainment for the staff and spending by visiting music fans.
Throughout the decades that followed, they thoughtfully continued to acquire pieces during summer sojourns to Europe, and more often, from their favorite New York City dealers.
In 1983, after a summer sojourn in his native Florida, Janson painted a series of minimalist watercolors inspired by the harsh, semitropical environment of the suburban Florida landscape.
In the years 1702 to 1708 the then owner of the estate Lorenzo Piccolomini had a Baroque summer palace built at Ratibořice which he intended to use for summer sojourns and in hunting period.
The air was still, hanging dusty, like folded sheets, waiting for the occupants to return from some summer sojourn on another continent where the sun shone and it never rained.