The first text has no title, and reads: The high summer waned to autumn, and western gales the leaves loosened from labouring boughs.
The summer slowly in the sad forest waned and faded.
One by one its meagre parcel of inhabitants packed up and moved away, as the summer waned and fall approached.
The summer was waning when Shann took his two sons and went ahead to explore the way.
As the summer waned and green things disappeared from the garden he deserted that also, going wider and wider afield in his night's hunting.
Although this is at first profitable, as summer wanes so do the grasshoppers.
Drizzt's lessons were far from complete when the summer waned, but Montolio no longer spent much time instructing the drow.
This year, as the summer waned, I got my old fall feeling.
Hal departed and summer waxed and waned.
FOR the mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus, summer is not waning, but peaking.