He also summoned Zhu Youqian to Luoyang for a meeting.
It has summoned its director back from Paris for a meeting on Thursday in Greenwich Village.
During the past six months as director of Internal Audit he had often been summoned abruptly for a spurof-the-moment meeting with managers and suppliers.
For example, he summoned the union's generals for a meeting today on Ukrainian defense.
The Parliament was summoned on 9 October 1459 for a first meeting on 20 November 1459.
Mr. Sarno, undeterred, summoned his black crewmen for a meeting.
China has summoned home its ambassadors for a meeting next week as the crackdown on dissent continues to evoke condemnations and sanctions abroad.
Curtis had been summoned for a meeting with the NSC and the President.
Simon is summoned for a meeting.
He didn't like the prosecutor deciding to oppose bail or summoning him for a meeting to deliver an offer his client wouldn't accept.