Next, he would summon outstanding business and financial experts, private economists and other leaders.
Freedom from Obligations That agonizing process continued today as Mr. Cuomo summoned legislative leaders to an afternoon budget meeting in his conference room.
President Saleh summoned various tribal leaders to give them a "with us or against us" speech, winning a public commitment from most to back the fight.
The King instead pressed for a compromise, summoning various political leaders to Balmoral Castle individually for talks.
President Reagan summoned Republican Congressional leaders to the White House on Friday to discuss the deficit-reducing efforts.
The cleric was reported to be planning to summon leaders of the sect, the largest Christian group in lebanon, to a special meeting to discuss the sharpening crisis.
President Bush seemed to imply that he was ready to do the same thing, for the same reasons, when he summoned Congressional leaders for budget talks.
Two journalists quoted the president's religious adviser as saying that the president had summoned religious leaders to exorcise the evil spirits.
President Clinton today summoned leaders of the television industry to the White House for another meeting next month on improving children's programming.
International Prime Minister Miyazawa of Japan summoned leaders to an emergency meeting to try to halt the stock market skid.