The body has the power to summon members of government to appear before it.
Meanwhile, at West's house, the coach has summoned members of the college's football team and ordered them to destroy the Twonky.
A recent development has been the use of pagers and mobile phones by party whip (politics)s, to summon members from further afield.
It was close against the buzzer that Pointer used to summon members of the crew.
During the player's turn, they can summon members of their party from a starting point, up to ten.
Another man began shouting at him, then ran to summon members of the security services standing by the destroyed cabana.
To secure specimens, Lewis and Clark summoned other members of the party from the boat.
But this Congress has held 32 roll-call votes, usually as an excuse to summon members for political business.
He paused in thought and then tapped his badge, summoning members of his own team.
To fulfill its legal responsibilities, Methodist Hospital summoned members of its ethics committee, who arrived in an hour.