It is made from heavy pure silk satin, hand embroidered with metallic beads, sequins and diamante in a sumptuous floral design.
The interior is noted for its sumptuous and intricate design.
Unlike that plush but risible volume about young Manhattan socialites and their private domains, there is more to this venture than pretty rooms wrapped in sumptuous graphic design.
Be sure to visit Iitala (25, Pohjoisesplanadi) for its sumptuous design.
Her images work on two levels, the way illuminated manuscripts present sumptuous designs that also contain a message.
There was the sumptuous design by Frank Gehry, with glass panels, warped like potato chips, encasing the room and sheets of cobalt-blue titanium wrapping the walls.
The sumptuous original scenic designs spread around the dancers instead of towering over a crowded stage.
Thon first attracted public attention with his sumptuous design for the interiors of the Academy building on the Neva embankment.
It remains for the play's visual metaphor to be best summed up by the sumptuous design of the Hartford Stage program, embellished by Fragonard paintings.
Despite Robin Wagner's sumptuous designs and Tom O'Horgan's fluid direction, the momentum steadily slips away.