Security around the sumptuous residence of Le Chevalier was somewhat lax because it had never occurred to anyone to attack it.
Although it looks like a sumptuous residence, this was the office in the 1920's of John W. Campbell, president of the Credit Clearing House.
The Saint-Paul section: in the 15th and 16th centuries predominately Italian banker-merchants moved into sumptuous urban residences here called hôtels particuliers.
Inside the door of the sumptuous residence, the servant went ahead to announce the visitor.
Each, however, conveys the feeling of a sumptuous private residence.
All the resources of Nature and Art were combined to make Pleasant Hill - as it was then called - the most complete and sumptuous residence in the suburbs.
In the 16th century, this strong point was built up by the Saint-Sulpice family into a reutedly sumptuous residence.
He transformed this old run-down building into a sumptuous residence in the midst of gardens where each bed takes its inspiration from a Mediterranean country.
The Domus Publica is a sumptuous residence, Magnus, but it does have some disadvantages.
During the Renaissance, the medieval fortress was transformed into a sumptuous residence, seat of the Barony of Menthon.