The sun beamed across her face as she looked up at him.
The sun beamed through the windows onto nothing but wood and faded wallpaper.
It blew away, and they were able once again to venture close, while the low northern sun beamed on them from a clear blue sky.
As the sun beamed down, they put on dark glasses and covered their heads.
The sun was beaming and bright, which explained why Flynn hadn't been wrapped around her when she woke.
If the sun is beaming like an idiot, it is half that many.
That is when the sun wasn't beaming out of a flawlessly blue sky.
The sun once again beamed on San Francisco; the sky was clear, the air warm and tender.
She hadn't worn a hat, and the sun beamed like fire into her eyes.
The sun beamed on us as we followed the path down the hill.