The leaves were so thick that no sun dappled through.
He could see her in the kitchen of the shop, slicing sandwiches while the sun dappled over her skin.
On mild winter days Mary would climb on top of the rock ledge and the sun would dapple through the leaves to warm her.
Immense trees arched overhead, and through their foliage the great sun dappled the grass beneath them.
Fell glanced up at the branches above him, the sun dappling them with gold and sending shafts of brilliance to the undergrowth below.
It was a bright morning and the sun dappled the water of the stream through the tree branches.
The low sun dappled her body and the shadow she cast was monstrous.
The sun dappled the lawn through the tall oak trees.
The late-fall sun dapples his eyeglasses as he laughs, acknowledging the situation.
The early-morning sun dappled their exposed shoulders through swaying fish-tail palms.