The sun glistened on their red scales.
I was walking on a beach on Nantucket, the tide was low, the sun was glistening on the rocks.
The sun glistened on the fungus-deterrent grease they had smeared on their bodies; their feet, slamming onto the hard earth, made a primitive beat which echoed in the ears and the blood.
The sun glistened on the surface of the reservoir, the baseball fields seethed with players in bright jerseys and cool air rustled the trees shading the six-mile loop.
Remo turned, the sun glistening between the drapes now at his back and shining into O'Brien's face.
The sun glistened on the bright brass and nickel parts, and glinted from the gleaming barrels of the quick-firing guns.
In winter they can expect gray, chilly days mixed with days when a brilliant sun glistens over the Bosporus.
The sun glistened on the water.
He glanced out at the wounded bulk of his beloved Volkenreiter and wondered if he would ever walk her gondola again, ever see the sun glisten on high clouds.
The snow was hard-crusted and the sun glistened off it very brightly.