This property keeps ice on top of the water so the sun can melt it in the spring.
The sun, sinking behind the hills, was melting out of shape.
"Even when it's this cold, the sun can melt the ice a little and it will be difficult enough to reach the top."
The sun was now melting the snow a little, so they could make out the path fairly easily.
The sun had melted most of the snow farther down, and the going was easy.
Everyone will come now that the sun is shining and melting the snow.
The sun soon melted the thin snow, and for the next week the days were hot again.
The sun moved slowly across the sky and melted on the western horizon.
He had picked up a little ice in the clouds, but now the sun melted it away.
There won't be much shooting with this ice unless the sun should melt it later on.