Thus it was that the sun and moon orbited the disc because they were persuaded not to fall down, but didn't actually fly away because of uncertainty.
He believes that physics and the Bible prove that the sun and all the planets orbit the Earth and that the Earth does not rotate.
Once upon a time, the mere act of speculating that the sun did not orbit the Earth was enough to risk death at the hands of foolish authorities.
The sun doesn't orbit the Earth?
It was generally accepted in mediaeval Europe that the earth lies at the centre of a finite universe and that the sun, planets and stars orbit around it.
The sun does not orbit the earth.
Asteroid 3753 orbited the sun in a little less than an Earth year.
In it, he republished the 1966 article, together with a second article on the same subject written later in 1966, and repeated his belief that the sun orbited the earth.
Two suns orbit the earth and bathe it in light constantly.
"Well, I guess we haven't come all that far from a time when we believed the sun orbited us."