The cold and brittle sun stained the sky blood red, deepening into the velvet blue-blackness of receding night.
The sun was only just above the horizon, staining the overcast sky and the snow with pink.
The sun had stained the corntops a reddish gold, but here the shadows were dark and deep.
The skin of his chest and upper arms was creamy-smooth as polished alabaster, where the sun had not stained it.
Another death to my account... At last, when the rising sun was already staining the distant peaks with crimson, I slept too.
The sun went down behind thestorm clouds and stained them with its blood, then the rain fell uponthe two ships in torrents.
For Húrin stood in despair before the silent cliffs of the Echoriath, and the westering sun, piercing the clouds, stained his white hair with red.
The invisible orange-yellow sun stained the clouds with streaks of gold and bloody crimsons and unexpected mauves.
The low sun stained the ablative coating a pinkish color as the nose inched into the light.
The sun was staining the curved glass at the end of the enclosure a pale gold.