The second bucket was for the horses, and he lugged it back across the sun-baked clay.
Like much of the sprawling Afghan refugee camp that surrounds it, the campus crouches unobtrusively behind high walls of sun-baked clay.
Quite gently he toppled forward and lay with his face against the hard sun-baked clay.
Although the object seems to have real power, part of it is cracked like sun-baked clay.
Adobe, a building material of sun-baked clay, usually mixed with straw or an asphalt solution as a binder.
Genuine sun-baked clay from Naishapur.
I wondered about joining them but they were watching youths wrestling on a smoothed expanse of sun-baked clay.
At the end of the path was a stone road cutting through white buildings of sun-baked clay, low buildings, built to withstand the frequent earth tremors.
It reached its zenith and then, in a graceful parabola, fell back to peg its glittering head into the sun-baked clay of the parade-ground.
If you were not playing three hours or more on the sun-baked clay, you were not going with the flow.