He saw a tall lean sunburned man, whose stained and dusty clothing hung loosely on him.
I turned around and saw a handsome sunburned man with powerful muscles.
Later I heard a sunburned man deride someone (not present to defend himself) for claiming to be related to aristocracy.
"Bad luck," the sunburned man said, and held out a local road map.
The tall sunburned man who had been standing near me went over to join them.
The sunburned man came to the point right away.
As the three men walked past the house a screen door banged, and a stocky sunburned man came down the back steps.
The sunburned man stepped back and narrowed his eyes.
A couple of weeks after the sale, a sunburned man called at Piatt's.
Nively was sitting on the roof of the cab, looking remarkably pale for such a sunburned man.