They either worked directly there, or provided supporting trades such as opening sundry shop and food outlets.
Migelo, a friend to Penelo's parents, took them under his care and gave them work at his sundry shop.
The programme is aimed to transform 100 selected sundry shops into modern mini marts.
The building will have a restaurant overlooking the Mill River, a fitness center, a sundry shop and a cafeteria.
And amenities, including updated dining places, sundry shops and other conveniences, have been installed.
More restaurants, sundry shops, banks and various other facilities for the convenience of people around.
In the hotel's sundry shop, the attendant proved, of course--of course!
By 1822, Geneva had 1,700 inhabitants, 250 dwellings, a bank, land office and sundry shops and mills.
He hoped that there was a sundry shop in the lobby, because he had no toilet articles with him.
The closest thing to a commercial area is the row of shophouses housing sundry shops, restaurants and a laundry shop.