The natural sunlight was vanishing, breaking to cloudy patches of darkening green.
The sunlight had vanished behind somber clouds.
Even the dim sunlight that was allowed through the revitalized atmosphere vanished, to be replaced by bleak nothingness.
Sky, sunlight, and shearwaters vanished without transition into mist.
But when the sunlight vanished and they entered the first door that led to the Personal, the mood became harder to maintain.
Light exploded against their retinas, the sunlight vanished, and they found themselves in the gray world of Perihelion once more.
The clouds boiled, the sunlight vanished.
The sunlight which had been with us during that climb vanished, and dark clouds lowered.
If the sunlight vanished suddenly behind a cloud, as it often did, the cold air seemed to close about my skin like a sheet of metal.
The sunlight vanished, and Torres dove for the protection of the wall.