I'm afraid" She was staring through the cleft into the sunlit valley.
It is completely unlike the smooth, sunlit valley we )ust crossed.
She turned silently to look again across the sunlit valley and the memorial.
For a moment, I stood on a hillside looking down at a sunlit valley, a place of peace and rest.
She sat silent, and the world lay like a sunlit valley at their feet.
Frodo, even in that fair house, looking out upon a sunlit valley filled with the noise of clear waters, felt a dead darkness in his heart.
The cry echoed in the sunlit valley, rippling down to the river and the raj-marg that ran alongside it.
One of them cuts across continents, dipping into mineral waters and sunlit valleys.
This warm note rhymed closely with the underparts on the migrant swallows, which had stopped to feed in the sunlit valley.
She sat staring out across the sunlit valley to the blue hills.