Snap of the lighter and the pale flame in the sunny air.
The warm sunny air of the street made them shiver.
Then the dark-haired woman lighted a cigarette, blew smoke into the sunny air of the suite, and spoke slowly.
The door closed without a sound, and the airc*r climbed into the sunny, salty-smelling air, leaving Sulu alone.
Though I strained my senses, nothing came to me but voices, shoe-clack, odors of man and smoke faint in the sunny air.
But the smoke from his Uncle's pipe rose steadily into the sunny air, and his face was hidden by a paper that he held.
It floated high in the sunny air, with no support above or below.
At once there came, clear in the sunny air, a long piercing scream.
They were busy, rising from the cold shade of Temples made with hands, into the sunny air of Heaven.
The footprints on the duckboards were fading fast in the dry sunny air.