These devices of course require clear sunlight, but they are practical in many of the sunny regions of the world.
It is the driest and sunniest region (70 days with blue sky, 2500 hours of sunshine/year) of Romania.
Passing them, they finally reach sunny regions where the herbs the woman presented Hadingus grow.
This is also one of the sunniest regions in France, with an average of 2,000 hours of sunshine per year.
This is Spain's sunniest region - even in late March it can be warm enough to strip off and take in the rays.
Its rich history reflects that of Andalusia, the sunny and fertile region of southern Spain where it was born.
Active people living in sunny regions can produce most of the vitamin D they need from their skin.
In sunnier regions, it's not even competitive with concentrating solar power.
In less sunny regions, it's just a ludicrous waste of money.
This one is at home on sloping banks and is tolerant of some sunny regions.