On a sunny weekend this wouldn't have been unusual, but today it was a little out of place.
There is little commercial activity in town, which keeps it rather sleepy, even on a recent sunny weekend.
No crowds, at least not on a perfect sunny weekend in mid-May.
Years later, I took my first daughter to the Cloisters on the last sunny weekend before she left for college.
The Lovings were in a group of 38 families introduced to camp life by seven staff members on a recent sunny weekend.
It draws 2,000 visitors a day on a sunny weekend.
The fine, sunny weekends came when I was off seeing someone else's garden.
It was a sunny weekend and nearly 60,000 people attended, but the festival's overall profits were half a million dollars short of its expenses.
Expect to wait for a table on sunny weekends.
East Anglia on a sunny weekend is a place of matchless beauty.