I feel the super efficient cars of the future reaching 300mpg are better than electric cars.
As for your super efficient 300mpg car I'd love to hear about it in more detail.
This first event attracted 100 plus super cars from all over the world and much media attention.
The Probe is just one very super car.
The estimated cost of the damage to some of the most sought after super cars on the planet has been placed at £2.6 million.
The Lotus Esprit was an example of a 1970s super car, producing high performance from a small engine.
But in these days of fuel economy and concerns about speeding why should such a super car be developed.
But both are super cars and the price is much the same.
Ergonomics alone do not a super car make.
One idea is to connect these super cars with - you guessed it - the proposed Second Avenue subway.