In combat every character has unlimited guard, a move that can not be blocked, and a super move.
He appears where he assists Raven in her super move.
Earning enough power allows players to use one of three levels of super moves which can be used to defeat opponents and earn points.
The use of super moves as the only way to defeat a player had mixed reception.
He also gained a new super move that helped him in his offensives.
Every mobile suit (except some secret characters) now a had a super move that can be used up to three times.
If the player presses all three of the buttons at a time, the character will perform a "super move".
To be able to use him well, Dio players must have the reflexes to perform their super moves at the right moment.
But when two players perform their super moves at the same time, they will form a team-up attack that provides greater crowd control.
His super move causes the screen to go dark and him to charge plasma in his hands.