Coral heads grow to super size, including a brain coral that is 16 feet across and growing.
Kar's products are packaged in single serve, family and super sizes depending on the market segment.
"We have an electron gun of super size," Walt explained.
But to get from "micro" to "large-scale" or "super size" as they put it on Monday, you do actually have to go through the intervening stages of "small" and "medium."
At Ohio State the linebackers come in large, extra large and super size.
Richardson's team were working on a compound that could make edible plants grow to super size, however the military intervened with plans of their own.
MAC grown up to super size, and doing his best to disguise himself.
The personal size will sell for about $13; a super size (2 1/2 inches by 8 inches) for about $25.
Here are some ways to super size your fruit and vegetable portions:
No one is forcing you to super size those fries, stash chocolates in the desk drawer, or zone out on the couch after a long day at work.