He is especially noted for his many superb drawings.
He had a fine library (sold by Sotheby's in June 1886) and owned superb drawings, Rembrandt etchings, bronzes, majolica, and furniture.
He produced a nonstop flow of portraits, architectural ornaments and commemorative monuments, not to mention superb drawings.
A superb coloured drawing by Hans Holbein the Younger of a ship crowded with drunken lansquenets was perhaps done in preparation for a mural in London.
Scholars argue about the superb drawing of the maestro as a bearded old man - or is it really what it seems, a self-portrait?
His superb drawings were first published with great success in 1965.
Have your superb original drawings remained in your possession, or are they included in the sale of your collection?
The show includes one of the Mexican artist's superb drawings that is a work of pre-Columbian art, notwithstanding the mounted cowboy at its center.
But the really marvelous things come next: a graceful study of a not-young nude man; another of a chubby actor's head, and two pages of superb drawings of women.
Modest means 13 paintings, more than half on loan from Europe, and 20 superb drawings, all but 4 from the Uffizi in Florence.