The view from the summit would have been superb but for the fact that the sun could only pierce the mists at long intervals.
The program is superb for those unfamiliar with tax forms because it simply asks you questions in clear English.
In each case, it seems superb for its purposes and complete.
Which is going to be absolutely superb for the client.
Mills (21 points) was superb, shooting 4 for 6 from 3-point range.
The Tesco deal will be superb for us and means we can access so many more customers.
The Knicks were terrible early, superb for a long stretch and then just as quickly a mess again.
Try condiments, superb for holiday dinners, or excellent coffee from California.
Tough to take for Whitner, who has been superb for so much of this game.
And his arms, superb for net pulling, were not suited to swimming.