This goes beyond the best engine there is, past its superb handling and massive presence and visits those places where supercars rarely venture.
Even so, the Café is a cracking little bike (and it is very small, so will best suit shorter riders) with superb handling.
Bugatti had been overjoyed, and he had continuously modified his racing vehicles to Isadora's specifications: lighter, a little smaller than the norm, with superb handling.
Exceptional sharpness, minimal vignetting, very low distortion, and superb handling of chromatic aberration means this lens does not require image corrections in digital post production software.
And my special thanks and commendations to your Captain Stone for his superb handling of a difficult and regrettable situation.
Although not very fast, the MGA 1600 Roadster had superb handling.
Most of these cars provide plenty of power to go along with a supple ride, and in many cases, superb handling.
This manifestation of the All Blacks is hinged on the star ability of two players and the superb handling of its back line.
It was positioned far behind the front axle for superb handling, a placement that dictated the car's somewhat controversial rearward cabin placement.
They like it for its weight distribution and its superb handling in high-speed turns.